Retirement is NOT a requirement for Medicare. Individuals can continue working while taking advantage of the many benefits of Medicare. By encouraging employees age 65 and older to explore their health plan options, you could help them achieve significant cost savings and access to more benefits. (Should an employee decide to move to Medicare, your business will save on health insurance expenses, too.)
A new year could mean a new deductible to meet, which requires employees to pay out of pocket before health insurance would pick up the costs. Your eligible employees could explore plan options with Medicare that help them avoid deductibles and keep out-of-pocket spending to a minimum. Plus, Medicare may deliver additional benefits not offered by your employer plan.
We can help your Medicare-eligible team members (and their spouses) compare their current coverage, costs, and benefits to Medicare year-round! We'll conduct an employer plan vs. Medicare comparison to help employees evaluate which coverage is right for them. If they decide Medicare is the stronger fit, we'll handle the enrollment process to make the move to Medicare as stress-free as possible.
After enrollment, your team members are in good hands—our dedicated client support team will be there to help them best utilize their new benefits. Our services are always no cost and no obligation!